"I forget just enough about the original essay to explain things more clearly the second time." What a great line. Thanks for sharing!

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Great suggestions. Now, I just have to find the willingness to do the extra work :)

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The quote about rewrite synapses rings so true, and I say that reluctantly, because I much prefer to start and finish a piece of writing in one focused sitting, but I have also noticed that putting writing aside for a week or so and then coming back to it is super beneficial to the process. Funny how you can't see something you've just created objectively up close in time, just like you have to back away from a painting in space to see how your creation process is really progressing. Your article is cementing the need to build this wait period in to my writing process, as much as I've been resisting it.

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Awesome! I am so glad that you found it so helpful!

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Really good advice here. Thanks. Will increase the amount of effort per article but will also lead to higher quality outputs.

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